Sunday, July 16, 2023

AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud Platform - Networking

 AWS (Amazon Web Services), Azure (Microsoft Azure), and GCP (Google Cloud Platform) with a focus on networking capabilities:

==>>Networking Services:

AWS: Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Elastic Load Balancer (ELB), Amazon Route 53 (DNS), AWS Direct Connect, AWS PrivateLink, AWS Transit Gateway, AWS Global Accelerator.

Azure: Virtual Network (VNet), Load Balancer, Azure DNS, ExpressRoute, Private Link, Azure Virtual WAN, Azure Front Door, Azure Traffic Manager.

GCP: Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Load Balancing, Cloud DNS, Cloud Interconnect, Cloud VPN, Cloud Router, Global Load Balancer, Traffic Director.

==>>Network Connectivity:

AWS: Offers robust connectivity options through AWS Direct Connect (dedicated private network connection), VPN connections, and Transit Gateway for connecting multiple VPCs.

Azure: Provides connectivity options like ExpressRoute (dedicated private network connection), VPN Gateway, and Virtual WAN for connecting distributed networks.

GCP: Offers Cloud Interconnect (dedicated private network connection), Cloud VPN, and Dedicated Interconnect for connecting on-premises networks to GCP.

==>>Load Balancing:

AWS: Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) includes Classic Load Balancer, Application Load Balancer (ALB), and Network Load Balancer (NLB) to distribute traffic across instances.

Azure: Load Balancer provides both internal and external load balancing options, along with the Azure Application Gateway for layer 7 load balancing.

GCP: Load Balancing offers HTTP(S) Load Balancing for global load balancing, Network Load Balancing for layer 4 load balancing, and Internal Load Balancing for internal traffic distribution.

==>>DNS Services:

AWS: Amazon Route 53 provides highly available and scalable DNS web services.

Azure: Azure DNS offers domain hosting, management, and DNS resolution services.

GCP: Cloud DNS provides a reliable and scalable domain name system with low latency and high availability.

==>>Hybrid Networking:

AWS: Provides services like AWS Direct Connect, VPN connections, and Transit Gateway to connect on-premises networks with AWS resources.

Azure: Offers ExpressRoute for dedicated private connectivity between on-premises networks and Azure.

GCP: Provides options like Cloud VPN, Dedicated Interconnect, and Cloud Interconnect for connecting on-premises networks to GCP.

==>>Edge Networking:

AWS: AWS Global Accelerator and CloudFront content delivery network (CDN) for faster content delivery and DDoS protection.

Azure: Azure Front Door and Content Delivery Network (CDN) for global content delivery and edge caching.

GCP: Cloud CDN and Cloud Load Balancing for edge caching and global load balancing.

****************************AWS Network Components Details************************

Networking Services:

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)

Amazon Route 53 (DNS)

AWS Direct Connect

AWS PrivateLink

AWS Transit Gateway

AWS Global Accelerator

Network Connectivity:

AWS Direct Connect (dedicated private network connection)

VPN Connections

AWS Transit Gateway (connecting multiple VPCs)

Load Balancing:

Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)

Classic Load Balancer

Application Load Balancer (ALB)

Network Load Balancer (NLB)

DNS Services:

Amazon Route 53 (DNS)

Hybrid Networking:

AWS Direct Connect (connecting on-premises networks)

VPN Connections

AWS Transit Gateway (connecting multiple VPCs)

Edge Networking:

AWS Global Accelerator (fast content delivery and DDoS protection)

CloudFront (content delivery network - CDN)

**********************AZURE Networking Components*******************************

Networking Services:

Virtual Network (VNet)

Load Balancer

Azure DNS


Private Link

Azure Virtual WAN

Azure Front Door

Azure Traffic Manager

Network Connectivity:

ExpressRoute: Dedicated private network connection to Azure

VPN Gateway: Securely connect on-premises networks to Azure

Virtual WAN: Connect and manage multiple sites through a central hub

Private Link: Access Azure services privately over Azure backbone network

Azure Front Door: Global routing and load balancing for web applications

Azure Traffic Manager: DNS-based traffic routing for high availability and performance

Load Balancing:

Internal Load Balancer: Load balancing within a virtual network

Public Load Balancer: Load balancing incoming internet traffic

Application Gateway: Layer 7 load balancing with advanced features

Traffic Manager: DNS-based load balancing across regions

DNS Services:

Azure DNS Zones: Hosting and management of DNS domains

Private DNS Zones: Resolution of Azure-specific DNS names privately

Hybrid Networking:

ExpressRoute: Private connection to extend on-premises networks to Azure

VPN Gateway: Securely connect on-premises networks to Azure over the internet

Virtual WAN: Connect and manage on-premises and Azure networks centrally

Security and Monitoring:

Azure Firewall: Centralized network security service

Network Security Groups (NSGs): Filter network traffic at the subnet or network interface level

Azure DDoS Protection: Protect applications and resources against DDoS attacks

Azure Monitor: Monitoring and diagnostics for network resources

Network Optimization:

Virtual Network Peering: Connect virtual networks across Azure regions

Network Virtual Appliances: Deploy third-party virtual appliances for network functions

Azure ExpressRoute Global Reach: Extend on-premises networks to other regions via ExpressRoute

Edge Networking:

Azure Front Door: Global content delivery network (CDN) and application acceleration

Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN): Secure and scalable content delivery with low latency

***************************GCP Network Components Details**************************

Networking Services:

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

Load Balancing

Cloud DNS

Cloud Interconnect

Cloud VPN

Cloud Router

Global Load Balancer

Traffic Director

Network Connectivity:

Cloud Interconnect

Cloud VPN

Dedicated Interconnect

Load Balancing:

HTTP(S) Load Balancing

Network Load Balancing

Internal Load Balancing

DNS Services:

Cloud DNS

Hybrid Networking:

Cloud VPN

Dedicated Interconnect

Cloud Interconnect

Edge Networking:

Cloud CDN

Cloud Load Balancing

Clouds & AI Technologies